16 February 2005

The view from the centre of Tokyo

Tokyo is a very big place. Big to the extent that, even when you are in the centre, and up a very tall building (about the height of the London eye, so the sort where you can see for 30-40 miles on a good day), you cannot see anything that isn't just a sprawl of city laid out before you.

I went up the Tokyo city government building today, which is a twin towered building with about 70 floors. The view from the window looks like this - spot anything at all here that isn't city sprawl A seriously big place.

And, I know that's only looking in one direction, so here is the view from some other windows as well.

Even in London, up the London Eye, you can see something beyond the city sprawl, or some green space (and you even can in Los Angeles, which covers a huge area but is quite low rise) - in Tokyo its just dense city for as far as you can see. Mad, mad place.

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