10 January 2006

Work Trip to Paris, France - 9th to 10th January 2006

A nightmare journey to Paris, with a dodgy Eurostar seat wedged in between the luggage rack, the always-opening-and-closing door, and that all-important toilet. It all set me wondering what I had done wrong to deserve such a terrible stroke of luck!

In the hotel, I got strangely engrossed in a game show on TF1, where a woman had a box with an amount of money in it - it could have contained €250,000, or €25,000, or €10,000, or €5,000, or €10, or, bizarrely (maybe this was a cunning French joke), a tampon. The presenter went through a process of elimination that seemed to last forever, before eventually just offering her €40,000 to walk away with. Utterly pointless, but the whole thing was whipped up into suspense as if it were a penalty shootout in the World Cup Final. I'm not sure if we have this show in the UK, but it probably doesn't get aired at prime time on the main national TV channel. Still, at least it takes the collective national mind off all the rioting and social unrest!!

After all this nonsense, I retreated to watching BBC World, which has Annie Lennox as a guest presenter, for a programme about endangered species! What an advert for the UK's media excellence!

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